Lake Tapps

Lake Tapps History-Photos

In the early 1900’s, Lake Tapps was created by building many dikes around four area lakes; Lake Kirtley, Lake Crawford, Church Lake and Lake Tapps. A diversion dam was built near Buckley allowing water to flow from the White River for miles through a flume into Printz Basin where it then entered Lake Tapps near Inlet Island.

This Photo Gallery, taken during the 2002 winter draw-down, shows photos of Lake Tapps at historically low levels.  These low levels allowed for much needed dike and dam repairs.

Chuck Burton, a Lake Tapps resident, historian and treasure, was my delightful tour guide for the day.

Chuck Burton, Lake Tapps Historian and guide for the day
Lake bed nearly empty
Looking towards bridge and outlet, standing on top of flume
Looking toward outlet, standing under bridge and on top of flume
Outlet to what once was electric producing turbines owned by PSE
Chuck Burton standing on top of flume. Unseen from bridge
Standing on flume looking towards workers on dam
Chuck Burton walking towards old saw mill on the western shores of Tacoma Point
Peeled bark pill from saw mill
Burnt remains of old saw mill
Remains at saw mill
Original lake level measuring house
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